What Is Membership About?
If you love Jesus and have experienced His forgiveness and grace, then you are part of His Church - “the Church Universal.” But that “universal Church” has always been expressed in local gatherings of believers. And while “membership” isn’t a New Testament word the concept clearly is - Jesus’ early followers met in local gatherings and “devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer” (Acts 2:42). Being a Jesus follower has always been done in relationship with Him and His people.
Membership in a local church is an intentional step of identification with His people and a natural part of being His disciple. Membership is a formal declaration that we are committing to this local gathering. We are saying, “these are my people - this is my family - and this is our mission.” As family we commit ourselves to love and invest in one another. We commit ourselves to working out the Great Commandment (To Love God and To Love Others) and the Great Commission (To Go!) in cooperation and patience with each other.
Membership also welcomes the church to join you in your path of discipleship. We commit to love you but also to be held mutually accountable for our growth and development in Jesus… because He never called on us to follow Him alone.
How Do I Become A Member?
The starting point is to talk to one of our pastors or begin by reviewing the Our Beliefs page. If this still seems like the right place, the right people and you have been baptized, then fill out the Membership Application Form providing the required information and sharing a bit about your life with Jesus.
Once we have your application, our Pastor will contact and meet with you. After that, your application will be shared with our Deacons.
On the Sunday arranged you will be asked to share a bit of your faith story with the church.
You will then be formally prayed for and welcomed into membership!
Membership Commitments
Becoming a member of Hepburn Gospel Church means that:
We commit to sharing in and striving toward the vision and mission of the Church - to love God and to love others - and, by doing that, to see the world changed.
We commit to live in "a manner worthy of the Lord" - keeping our lives open to His commandments and walking in obedience to Him.
We commit to give gladly of our time, gifting and possessions to the Lord through the church. We will be faithful in church attendance and in serving Him as able.
We commit to live in love and harmony with one another, forgiving, admonishing encouraging and bearing one another’s burdens. We will submit to loving oversight and mutual accountability with the members and spiritual leaders of the church.
We commit to be constant in prayer and to the active in our sharing of Jesus in our world.