Our Beliefs
Our Mission:
To encourage and extend the Family of God
What We Believe:
We believe in the one holy and loving God, filled with glory, power and wisdom, who lives in eternal Trinity as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God, who created and sustains the physical and spiritual universe, desires a relationship with us.
We believe that all persons are made in the image of God with a capacity to make moral choices, and given the responsibility to manage creation. God desires all human life to begin in families where husband and wife are covenanted together under God for life.
We believe that sin is a rejection of God’s rule, beginning with the rebellion of Satan and followed by Adam and Eve’s deliberate choice to disobey God. Because of sin everyone has fallen short of God’s will, creating a conflict with God, self, and others. The penalty for sin is physical and spiritual death.
We believe that the Bible is the inspired and infallible Word of God, the final authority for faith and life. God’s revelation in the Old Testament through creation and the covenant was a preparation for the supreme revelation through Jesus Christ in the New Testament.
We believe in God the Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, fully God and fully human, who proclaimed the rule of God, lived a sinless life, died on the cross as payment for our sins, rose bodily from the dead, ascended into heaven, and reigns as Lord of all.
We believe that salvation is a gift of God’s grace, received only through personal repentance and faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. Believers have forgiveness of sin, salvation from sin, reconciliation with God, and eternal life. Believers have assurance of their salvation as they live in faith and obedience.
We believe in God the Holy Spirit who gives new life to all who have placed their faith in Christ. The Spirit, who indwells believers, continues to comfort, empower, gift, guide, and unite them to fulfil the mission of the church.
We believe that following Jesus as Lord in all of life means that the Christian life is characterized by love, integrity, purity, and simplicity. The believer’s commitment to Christ and the global church becomes the standard for discerning the level of participation in society.
We believe that following Jesus as Lord in all of life means that the Christian life is characterized by love, integrity, purity, and simplicity. The believer’s commitment to Christ and the global church becomes the standard for discerning the level of participation in society.
We believe that God offers peace and reconciliation to all humanity through the work of Christ on the cross. Followers of Christ’s law of love affirm the sacredness of life as they make peace in personal, social, and international situations.
We believe that the mission of the Church is to make disciples in all the world by proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ in evangelism and compassionate ministries.
We believe in the return and reign of Jesus Christ, the final resurrection, the judgement of the unrighteous in hell and the eternal reward of the righteous in heaven.
EMMC Confession of Faith
Hepburn Gospel Church belongs to the Evangelical Mennonite Mission Conference.
EMMC is a diverse family of churches that are both urban and rural, stretching from Alberta to Ontario and into Mexico, Belize, and Bolivia.